In 1987, Jacqueline Gates’ life was forever altered by a tragic accident. Her ten-year-old daughter, Joelle Rosebush, was struck by a car while crossing the street with her siblings, Heather and Keith. As Joelle lay in a coma, the hospital exhausted all treatment options. She was then transferred to another facility, where she spent six months on a respirator in the pediatric intensive care unit. Over the course of eighteen agonizing months, Joelle remained in a vegetative state. With the emotional toll mounting, Gates and her family faced the heartbreaking decision to remove Joelle from life support, consulting with medical experts, a bioethics committee, a social worker, and their family priest. At that time, Michigan law did not permit parents to take such action.
In this deeply moving memoir, Gates offers an intimate glimpse into the turmoil, pain, and love that defined this chapter of her family’s life. Through a collection of poems, Bible verses, and educational resources on grief, she explores how faith, journaling, and a strong reliance on the Lord helped her navigate the darkest moments. Her story serves as a source of solace and support for anyone grappling with a loved one’s illness or walking their own path of grief, reminding them that they do not walk this journey alone.